Friday, April 15, 2005

I left the place in devastation. I cannot explain the feeling I had standing on a mass graveyard of holidaymakers. Imagine losing your brother, a sister, a friend, a lover in 24 hours without having the chance to say, 'Goodbye', 'I love you', 'Thank You' or worst, 'I'm sorry'. My heart bled when I took these pictures. I hope it'll never happen to anyone you or I know. Ever.
Post Bali Bombing: 04


Anonymous said...

Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural events caused by plate techtonics. These events happen very frequently in uninhabited places like Antarctica. We never mourned when millions of penguins died when a tsunami hit the Antarctic peninsula and caused whole chunks of icebergs the size of Switzerland to collapse last year. We'd make such a big deal if the same disaster is to occur on human inhabited places.